Jeff Wood

KERRVILLE, TEXAS | I researched and wrote this episode, which begins on January 2, 1996, when a 31-year-old gas station clerk is shot and killed on the job. The killer then forces his friend at gunpoint, who is waiting outside, to steal $11,000 in cash and checks. The men are quickly arrested, with the accomplice leading police to the murder weapon. Despite having no knowledge of the plan beforehand, the accomplice is charged with murder, along with the killer. What ensues is a nightmare legal battle for one man to prove that while he was at the scene and is proven guilty, he is not deserving of the punishment he faces. In episode 241, Jac and Alexis detail the murder of Kriss Lee Keeran at the hands of Daniel Reneau, who pulled his friend Jeffrey Wood down with him into a quagmire of deadly and unjust consequences, resulting in Jeff’s heartbreaking and ongoing fight for clemency.

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