CHICAGO, ILLINOIS | I researched and wrote this episode, which begins on November 26, 1981, when four men are killed and two others are wounded in a shooting massacre on Thanksgiving night. The murders make headlines as being the worst multiple slayings in the city in four years. In the coming days, police arrest four Mexican nationals over the killings, who also all happen to belong to one family. It soon emerges that the circumstances leading to the massacre are buried in a deep and ongoing dispute between the accused and victims families, resulting in bloodshed. But not everything is as buttoned up and clear cut as the courts make it appear. In episode 229, Jac and Alexis detail the murders of Valente Galindo, and brothers Ramon, Arnulfo, and Heliodoro Sanchez, and the lifelong, far reaching impact on the wrongfully convicted men in their case which irreparably changed lives forever.
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