Oscar Alvarado

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA | I researched and wrote this episode, which begins on August 22, 2010, when a 22-year-old Salvadoran man is repeatedly stabbed to death in the backseat of a car in broad daylight. Witnesses to the brutal slaying call in the attack to 911. Straight away law enforcement is sure this is a drug deal gone wrong. Later that day a 17 year old young woman and her 18 year old boyfriend are apprehended at a hotel, along with the murder weapon. At the time of the murder, Charlotte is awash with heroin, so officers aren’t surprised about the nature of the killing. But when the identity of one of the suspects in particular is released to the public, everyone is shocked beyond words. In episode 235, Jac and Alexis detail the murder of Oscar Alvarado Chavez, at the hands of Danielle Holmes and her boyfriend Jonathan Fitzgerald, and how the ravages of addiction can sometimes take us to the point of no return.

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