The Alphabet Murders

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK | I researched and wrote this episode, which occurred between 1971 and 1973, when three young girls were abducted and murdered. They were 10-year-old Carmen Colon, 11-year-old Wanda Walkowicz, and 11-year-old Michelle Maenza. A number of eyewitnesses came forward to give clues to the police, but to date, none of the murders have been solved. Unique aspects of this case gave way to media outlets dubbing them “The Alphabet Murders.”

What made the case unique, and gave way to its name, was that the first letter of each of the victims’ first and last names was the same. Each victim was also dumped in a location in the Rochester area, which corresponded to these particular letters. Numerous suspects have come up over the years. There’s even a theory that not all the murders are even linked. Regardless, the killer or killers remain on the loose to this day, despite some claiming to know who is responsible for at least one of the slayings.

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